Delta Mu Delta

National Honor Society in Business Administration

Delta Mu Delta Honor Society was established to recognize and reward superior scholastic achievement by the students of business administration. The Society was founded on November 13, 1913, and the first chapter was formally established at New York University on January 16, 1914. It was the result of the action taken by five professors on the faculty of the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance of New York University. These professors strongly believed that recognition should be given to outstanding students of business administration subjects. This recognition should, they reasoned, be similar to that given to other honor societies in the various fields of endeavor.

Additional chapters were formed at other leading universities. In 1952, Delta Mu Delta Honor Society was incorporated under the non-profit laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bind the loosely-knit chapters into a cohesive unit to carry out the purposes of the Society. The Society now has local chapters in many colleges and universities throughout the United States.

In 1963, Delta Mu Delta became a member of The Association of College Honor Societies. This Association was founded in 1925 through the movement started by Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and Alpha Omega Alpha, and it has grown through the years to include more than 45 National Honor Societies. Its objective is to consider the problems of mutual interest and to maintain desirable standards and useful functions of honor societies in higher education.

Under the National Bylaws of Delta Mu Delta, membership is restricted to scholastically qualified students of good character. Undergraduate members must be junior and senior students of programs in business administration in the top 20 percent of their classes in cumulative grade point average. Local chapters may elect into membership as honorary members men and women from the academic or business fields who have attained superior achievements in their professions.

The insignia of Delta Mu Delta is a gold key in the form of the Greek letter Delta, on which appears a full-rigged ship with sails set and colors flying, symbolizing the activity of business; below the ship are the Greek letters DMD which stand for the Greek words Dia Matessos Dynamics. The key and engraved membership certificate are presented by the local chapter upon induction of the member. The colors of the national chapter are purple and gold.

The motto of the Society is “Through Knowledge, Power.” To be a wearer of the Delta Mu Delta Key should be the ambition of every person who pursues a degree program in business administration. It is an honor indicative of earnest, intelligent purpose and rewarding achievement.

Ashland University’s Epsilon Beta Chapter was established on October 11, 1986. The College of Business and Economics enrolls more than 250 junior and senior students in programs in accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management and marketing. Graduate student enrollment in the MBA program is approximately 515. The faculty of the College includes about 60 fulltime and part-time faculty members.

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